4 thoughts on “inspiration

  1. Wise words indeed. I sometimes wonder how I ever kept going with my knitting, I had more disasters than successes for a v-e-r-y long time! (still have disasters but I turn them into bags, lol!) xx

  2. I remember when i first started knitting that there were alot of holes in the knitting, i must have only been about 7 or 8, now the other day after knitting for 40 plus years there was another hole in the knitting, it does ground you, lovely to see little mojo so cute, your blog looks lovely.

  3. Welcome to blog land. I follow your Mom’s blog and feel I’ve already met you.

    Have a great day today!

    Jeanine (in Michigan)

  4. I’m visiting from your mom’s blog and I love your blog, as well as this statement. I find as time goes on and I’ve honed my craft, the finished product looks more and more like the image in my brain! 🙂 Welcome to the world of blogging!

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